Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Chapter 3: Pursuing high expectations in an era of accountability

Chapter 3: Pursuing high expectations in an era of accountability

Important Facts
* The more teachers gain knowledge about what students know and are able to do, the more they can offer assignments that vary in requirements for content knowledge and literacy demands.
* Students often need to understand how to learn. Providing direct attention can help you assess their comprehension.

Questions That Raise an Eyebrow
* How can teachers balance between academic demands and students needs?
* How can teachers adapt instruction to fit every child's learning style?


  1. Shardae, I really agree with what you are saying. I think we as teachers are to get to know our students, so that when it is time for us to teach them,we will know what should be addressed, and therefore the students will learn. And as we are learning about our students we will be able to adapt our instruction so that each student is learning.

  2. I understand why we should get to know them, but what do we do with those students who are not willing for us (teachers) to get to know them. How do we reach those parents who don't want to be reached?

  3. Shardae, I do agree that we need to assess what the students know, and assess their learning styles. This will help in teaching our students. When we know what our students learning styles are, we can adapt the evalutions to fit the students learning styles. This adjustment will give the students a better chance to have success on their evaltions. Other words I think we should teach to the students learning styles, but also test the students to the way they learn. I think this would make the test valid.
