Monday, March 30, 2009

Chp 11: Developing Content Area Writers

How many times have we heard; write a paper on some boring topic that doesn't relate to us. In this paper you must include an introduction, 3 supporting paragraphs, and a conclusion. Then the teacher goes on to tell you that in order to make a paragraph it must have at least 5-7 sentences. Are you serious? This made me literally hate writing and English all together. I tried to avoid writing on every occasion, not knowing that the rest of my life will consist of some type of writing.
By reading Chapter 11 I have learned a great deal of helpful information from Conley. This chapters talks about teaching students on how to write to learn. In teaching students on how to write to learn, the teacher must first come up with clear goals, must know her students, give lots of explanations, demonstration, and guided practice. We as educators should just give our students a topic and make them write extensively, because some students don't know how to come up with things on the spur of the moment.
That's why it is important that we use authentic writing so students will become motivated and writing will become more meaningful. We should also show these students on how to brainstorm, so they can put all their ideas together and to make their writing flow smoothly. When Bishop first gave us this writing assignment, I want lie..I thought it was pointless. After reading this chapter and really thinking about it, it is really helpful and meaningful. I just wish my previous teachers would have read a little bit about Conley and made my writing experience better.

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